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Meet Bruce Ross: The man behind ""

For a quick view about who I am, well, it's pretty simple.  I'm a husband, a father, an entrepreneur, an inventor, an engineer, a futurist, a political enthusiast and a blogger.  I began my career in politics at a very young age, as I watched the 1988 Presidential conventions. It started with the Democratic convention and I watched, awe struct, as Ann Richards tore into George H.W. Bush.  The hilarious bit captivated me beyond my imagination.  I stood by enthusiastically awaiting the Republican convention eagerly expecting and equally entertaining rebuttal.  Either it was a hard act to follow, or just not their thing, but I found myself in more agreement, at the time, in what the Democrats had to say. 


Add thirty years and well, not much has changed.  Since that time, I've spent most of my political career in the middle of the road on economic issues and center left on just about everything else, while going far left on some social issues. This page is not one to parrot in "fake news."  If we get it wrong, hardly, but if we do, we'll be the first to admit it and to correct the record with as much or more enthusiasm as the initial broadcast.  We follow the facts, no matter what and no matter where they lead us. 


Let's agree on the facts and let's get started.     

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