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  • warren110

I’ve Had It With Some Trumpsters, And Finally Unloaded...

Updated: Apr 3, 2020

Trump PURPOSEFULLY mislead Americans for MONTHS, did nothing, and had Fox News purposefully downplay this virus. It’s criminal. I don’t see why you guys still follow trump. 4 people died in Benghazi and you wouldn’t stop talking about. With 240,000 Americans possibly dying, you should be demanding trump go to prison.

Now, finally, trump puts real numbers up at the briefing yesterday, and “if all goes well”, we’ll “only” have up to 240,000 Americans dead. We learned the same time as South Korea this was coming, and they’ve only lost 140 people.

This is NOT a “Democrat’s new hoax”... I personally have been swimming uphill, for weeks, trying to explain to Americans that this sh*t is real. I’ve been constantly talking to friends in China, S. Korea, Japan, Singapore and Hong Kong, getting REAL information, pictures, video, and data, trying to provide as much info as I can, to get people to realize this is REAL, and how to protect ourselves. My friends are terrified overseas. I’ve even been chasing my parents and my sisters to stay the F inside!

I’m glad the White House FINALLY put numbers on the screen. Those numbers are conservative, low, and if we don’t enact strong measures like China, and Americans don’t start wearing masks in public, we will see numbers on the higher end. Long past time to stop downplaying this. The purposeful leadership and media disinformation has done Americans a great disservice.

This virus has no race, no pigment, no passport, and no flag. It doesn’t matter if you live in a rural or urban area, republican or Democrat, young or old, rich or poor, religious or atheist. This is serious, and I hope more people start behaving as such.

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